Physiology and Imaging

Understanding of normal and altered physiology provides the basis for unravelling mechanisms and management of diseases. Advanced techniques in clinical imaging enable early detection of subclinical changes in structure and function of different body systems. The Department conducts research in children with congenital and acquired cardiorespiratory conditions for better understanding of pathophysiology, functional performance, and clinical outcomes, utilizing the state-of- the-art imaging modalities.

Cardiac Mechanics in Paediatric Heart Diseases

to apply novel echocardiographic imaging techniques to understand the functional perturbations in cardiac mechanics in congenital and acquired heart diseases.

Clinical Outcomes in Congenital Heart Disease

to improve the understanding of long-term outcomes, to define risk factors associated with adverse outcomes, and to develop novel strategies in the management of congenital cardiac anomalies.

Vascular Health in the Young

to apply non-invasive vascular assessment tools to understand the vascular health in children with restricted growth, obesity, aortopathies, and Kawasaki disease.

Ciliary beat frequency and beat pattern analysis

Nasal mucociliary clearance is the first-line defense mechanism of the respiratory system, clearing the mucosal surface of inhaled and deposited particles, including toxic, allergic, and infectious agents. Understanding the ciliary beat frequency is become critical for clinical management nowadays! Using a digital high-speed video microscopy system and transmission electron microscopy to observe the cilia beat pattern and its’ detailed ultrastructure.