User manual


perl [options]



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Input bam file (Required)


Prefix of output file (Required)


Which scenario to use (Required): scenario 1: inversion

partially covered by read scenario 2: inversion completely

covered by read


Which step to run only (all steps will be processed by default):

step1: Extract low quality reads step2: Split reads step3:

re-map splitted reads step4: Select candidate reads step5:

Detect inversion regions step6: Combine inversion regions


Limited on which chromosome, all chromosomes (1..2,X,Y,M) will

be used by default.


Location of BWA for mapping


Location of samtools for bam/sam files handling


Location of references in FASTA format (Required)


Keep all intermediate files. (Will generate large files, caution

when using whole genome high-coverage data>


Path of libraries.


Only reads with longer than #bp clipped ends will be included

for scenario 1 [10]


#bp gap length for sliding window to move on each time when

splitting reads [1]


Only select exact matched reads


minimum window size for invertion in each read in scenario 2 [5]


maximum inversion to be included for scenario 1 [1000]


Scenario 1: perl -i chr20.bam -o sen1 -s 1 -c 20 -r chr20.fa --keep

Scenario 2: perl -i chr20.bam -o sen2 -s 2 -c 20 -g 5 -r chr20.fa --keep