Professor Patrick IP (葉柏強)

Tel: (852) 2255-4090
Fax:(852) 2855-1523 |
Research ID
Community Child Health
h-index: 42
Research Areas
Dr Ip is a specialist pediatrician with special interest in Child Health and Developmental Behavioral Paediatrics. He is an expert in early childhood development.
His research work focuses on the followings:
Childhood Infection and Vaccination; Early Brain Development; Early Intervention; Underprivileged Children; Safeguarding Children; Child Abuse; Child Mental Health; Disability and Rehabilitation, Public Health, Health Promotion and COVID in Children & Adolescents, Cohort studies, Physical Activities, Growth and Nutrition.
Teaching Areas
Paediatrics and Mental Health
Outstanding Asian Paediatrician Award – Asian Pacific Paediatric Association (APPA) (2022)
Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award – HKU (2019)
Hong Kong Humanities Award – Hong Kong Red Cross (2020)
UNICEF Best Research Award – UNICEF (2015)
Outstanding Staff Award – Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster - Queen Mary Hospital (2006)
Outstanding Staff Award – Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital at Sandy Bay (2005)
Major Research Grants Obtained (PI)
- Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust- Keysteps@JC Phase Two (5 years project) (2022)
- CRF-One-off CRF Coronavirus and Novel Infectious Diseases Research Exercises - Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Hong Kong children and support to families during crisis (2021)
- RGC GRF - Long-term impact of child maltreatment: A population-based longitudinal study (2019)
- Health Care and Promotion Fund - Safe City: a game-based educational approach to promote child safety knowledge and behaviors (2019)
- Health and Medical Research Fund - Commissioned Study on Review of Growth Charts for Hong Kong Children [Co-PI] (2019)
- Health and Medical Research Fund - Commissioned Study on Vitamin D Status of Infants, Young Children and Pregnant Women in Hong Kong (2019)
- RGC GRF - Impact of early exposure to electronic devices on long term cognitive and psychosocial development of Chinese children: a 7-year cohort study (2019)
- InspiringHK Sports Foundation Limited - Study on Sports Hour Participation Index and Physical Activity level between 5-17 years old in Hong Kong (2019)
- Lo Ying Shek Chi Wai Foundation - Using a school-based approach to deliver comprehensive eye care for kindergarten children in underprivileged districts of Hong Kong (2019)
- Great Eagle Holdings Limited & Lo Ying Shek Chi Wai Foundation - Oral Health Services for Preschool Children from Underprivileged Families (2019)
- RGC GRF - Does methylphenidate treatment increase seizure risk in children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? (2019)
- Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust- Keysteps@JC (5 years project) (2017)
- Theme-based Research Scheme- Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship [Co-PI] (2016)
Paediatrics and Mental Health
Selected publications
- Li X, Lai FTT, Chua GT, Kwan MYW, Lau YL, Ip P, Wong ICK. Myocarditis Following COVID-19 BNT162b2 Vaccination Among Adolescents in Hong Kong. JAMA Pediatr. 2022 Jun 1;176(6):612-614.
- Leung C, Hui ANN, Wong RS, Rao N, Karnilowicz W, Chung K, Chan J, Ip P. Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Parenting Intervention for Promoting Social-Emotional School Readiness Among Children From Low-Income Families in Hong Kong: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatr. 2022 Apr 1;176(4):357-364.
- Cheng VCC, Ip JD, Chu AWH, Tam AR, Chan WM, Abdullah SMU, Chan BPC, Wong SC, Kwan MYW, Chua GT, Ip P, Chan JMC, Lam BHS, To WK, Chuang VWM, Yuen KY, Hung IFN, To KKW. Rapid Spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Omicron Subvariant BA.2 in a Single-Source Community Outbreak. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Aug 24;75(1):e44-e49.
- Chua GT, Tsao S, Kwan MYW, Yu TC, Leung ASY, Li KW, Chow CCK, Ku WH, Kwok J, To KKW, Lau YL, Lai FTT, Wong ICK, Ip P. Medium-term outcomes of myocarditis and pericarditis following BNT162b2 vaccination among adolescents in Hong Kong. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2022 Dec;11(1):2466-2473.
- Lai FTT, Chua GT, Chan EWW, Huang L, Kwan MYW, Ma T, Qin X, Chui CSL, Li X, Wan EYF, Wong CKH, Chan EWY, Wong ICK, Ip P. Adverse events of special interest following the use of BNT162b2 in adolescents: a population-based retrospective cohort study. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2022 Dec;11(1):885-893.
- Tso WWY, Kwan MYW, Wang YL, Leung LK, Leung D, Chua GT, Ip P, Fong DYT, Wong WHS, Chan SHS, Chan JFW, Peiris M, Lau YL, Rosa Duque JS. Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2 infection in unvaccinated hospitalized children: comparison to influenza and parainfluenza infections. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2022 Dec;11(1):1742-1750.
- Chen LL, Chua GT, Lu L, Chan BP, Wong JS, Chow CC, Yu TC, Leung AS, Lam SY, Wong TW, Tsang HW, Wong IC, Chan KH, Yuen KY, Ip P, Kwan MY, To KK. Omicron variant susceptibility to neutralizing antibodies induced in children by natural SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccine. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2022 Dec;11(1):543-547.
- Tung KTS, Wong RS, Ho FK, Chan KL, Wong WHS, Leung H, Leung M, Leung GKK, Chow CB, Ip P. Development and Validation of Indicators for Population Injury Surveillance in Hong Kong: Development and Usability Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2022 Aug 18;8(8):e36861.
- Petermann-Rocha F, Rao N, Pell JP, Celis-Morales C, Wong ICK, Ho FK, Ip P. Weight-for-Height, Body Fat, and Development in Children in the East Asia and Pacific Region. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jan 4;5(1):e2142458.
- Xiong XL, Wong KK, Chi SQ, Zhou AF, Tang JQ, Zhou LS, Chung PH, Chua G, Tung K, Wong I, Chui C, Li X, Kwan MY, Wong WH, Ho MH, Chan GC, Cao GQ, Li K, Ip P, Chen P, Tang ST, Tam PK. Comparative study of the clinical characteristics and epidemiological trend of 244 COVID-19 infected children with or without GI symptoms. Gut. 2021 Feb;70(2):436-438.
- Ho FK, Rao N, Tung KTS, Wong RS, Wong WHS, Tung JYL, Chua GT, Tso WWY, Bacon-Shone J, Wong ICK, Yousafzai A, Wright C, Ip P. Association of Early Nutritional Status With Child Development in the Asia Pacific Region. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Dec 1;4(12):e2139543.
- Man KKC, Lau WCY, Coghill D, Besag FMC, Cross JH, Ip P, Wong ICK. Association between methylphenidate treatment and risk of seizure: a population-based, self-controlled case-series study. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2020 Jun;4(6):435-443.
- Rao N, Weber AM, Ranganathan N, Ip P. Creating equality for girls: on the right track but still a long way to go. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2020 Jul;4(7):490-491.
- Raman SR, Man KKC, Bahmanyar S, Berard A, Bilder S, Boukhris T, Bushnell G, Crystal S, Furu K, KaoYang YH, Karlstad Ø, Kieler H, Kubota K, Lai EC, Martikainen JE, Maura G, Moore N, Montero D, Nakamura H, Neumann A, Pate V, Pottegård A, Pratt NL, Roughead EE, Macias Saint-Gerons D, Stürmer T, Su CC, Zoega H, Sturkenbroom MCJM, Chan EW, Coghill D, Ip P, Wong ICK. Trends in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder medication use: a retrospective observational study using population-based databases. Lancet Psychiatry. 2018 Oct;5(10):824-835.
- Gladstone T, Terrizzi D, Stinson A, Nidetz J, Canel J, Ching E, Berry A, Cantorna J, Fogel J, Eder M, Bolotin M, Thomann LO, Griffith K, Ip P, Aaby DA, Brown CH, Beardslee W, Bell C, Crawford TJ, Fitzgibbon M, Schiffer L, Liu N, Marko-Holguin M, Van Voorhees BW. Effect of Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Humanistic and Interpersonal Training vs. Internet-based General Health Education on Adolescent Depression in Primary Care: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2018 Nov;1(7):e184278.
Service on External Bodies/University Committees
- The Hong Kong Paediatric Society – Immediate Past President
- Advisory Committee on Mental Health, Health Bureau, HKSAR – nonofficial member
- Commission on Children, Labour and Welfare Bureau, HKSAR – nonofficial member
- Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of non-communicable Diseases, Department of Health, HKSAR - member
- Committee on Review of Residential Child Care and Related Services, Social Welfare Department, HKSAR – nonofficial member
- Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division, HKBU - Advisory Committee member
- Boys and Girls Clubs’ Association of Hong Kong – Honorary Secretary
- Hong Kong Kindergarten Association – Honorary Advisor