Dr Patrick IP (葉柏強)
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine,
The University of Hong Kong
Community Child Health
Contact |
(852) 22554090
(852) 28551523
Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
Room 115, 1/F, New Clinical Building
102 Pokfulam Road, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
Publications List
First Author
- Ip P, Ho FK, Rao N, Sun J, Young ME, Chow CB, Tso W, Hon KL. Impact of nutritional supplements on cognitive development of children in developing countries: A meta-analysis. Scientific Reports. Forthcoming 2017.
- Ip P, Tso W, Rao N, Ho FK, Chan KL, Fu KW, Li SL, Goh W, Wong WHS, Chow CB. Rasch Validation of the Chinese Parent-Child Interaction Scale (CPCIS). World Journal of Pediatrics. Forthcoming 2017.
- Ip P, Chim D, Chan KL, Li, TMH, Ho, FWK, Voorhees BWV, Tiwari A, Tsang A, Chan CWL, Ho M, Tso W, Wong WHS.; Effectiveness of a Culturally Attuned Internet-based Depression Prevention Program for Chinese Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Depression and Anxiety. 2016 Dec; 33(12): 1123-31. Available from: doi:10.1002/da.22554. Epub 2016 Sep 13. Impact factor: 5.004
- Ip P, Ho FK, Chan KL, Yip PS, Lau JT, Wong WH, Chow CB, Jiang F. Child maltreatment hospitalizations in Hong Kong from 2001 to 2010: Incidence rate and seasonal pattern. Arch Dis Child. 2016 Dec 1; 101(12): 1107-13. Available from: doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-310151. Impact factor: 3.234
- Ip P, Chung BH, Ho FK, Chan GC, Deng W, Wong WH, Lee SL, Chan PY, Ying D, Wong WL, Tung KT, Lau YL. Prenatal Tobacco Exposure Shortens Telomere Length in Children. Nicotine Tob Res. 2016 May 18; 19(1): 111-8. Available from: doi:10.1093/ntr/ntw139. Impact factor: 3.811
- Ip P, Wong RS, Li SL, Chan KL, Ho FK, Chow CB. Mental Health Consequences of Childhood Physical Abuse in Chinese Populations: A Meta-Analysis. Trauma Violence & Abuse. 2016 Dec; 17(5): 571-84. Available from: doi:10.1177/1524838015585317. Impact factor: 3.191
- Ip P, Ho FK, So HK, Chan DF, Ho M, Tso W, Nelson EA. Socioeconomic Gradient in Childhood Obesity and Hypertension: A Multilevel Population-Based Study in a Chinese Community. PLoS One. 2016;11(6): e0156945. Available from: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156945. Impact factor: 3.057
- Ip P, Chan KL, Chow CB, Lam TH, Ho SY, Wong WH, Wong MF. An Internet-Based Intervention to Promote Alcohol-Related Attitudinal and Behavioral Change Among Adolescents: Protocol of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2016;5(2): e103. Impact factor: -
- Ip P, Rao N, Bacon-Shone J, Li SL, Ho FK, Chow CB, Jiang F. Socioeconomic gradients in school readiness of Chinese preschool children: The mediating role of family processes and kindergarten quality, Early Child Res Q. 2016;35: 111-23. Impact factor :1.730
- Ip P, Lam TH, Chan SS, Ho FK, Lo LA, Chiu IW, Wong WH, Chow CB. Use of Internet Viral Marketing to Promote Smoke-Free Lifestyles among Chinese Adolescents. PloS One. 2014;9(6): e99082. Available from: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099082. Impact factor: 3.057
- Man KKC, Ip P (Co-First author), Hsia YF, Chan EWY, Chui CSL, Lam MPS, Wong WHS, Chow CB, Yung A, Wong ICK. ADHD drug prescribing trend is increasing among children and adolescents in Hong Kong. J Atten Disord. 2014. Available from: doi:10.1177/1087054714536047. Impact factor: 3.384
- Ip P, Li L, Rao N, Chow CB, & Ng S. A validation study of Chinese Early Development Instrument (CEDI). BMC Pediatrics. 2013;13: 146. Available from: doi:10.1186/1471-2431-13-146. Impact factor: 1.813
- Chung BHY (Co-first and Co-corresponding author), Ip P (Co-first and Co-corresponding author), Chow CB, Chin R, Lau YL, Koren G. Teratology and Developmental Pharmacology: Why should Paediatricians care? HK J Paediatr. 2011;16: 264-72. (local publication) Impact factor: 0.194
- Ip P, Chan WT, Lee YT, and Chow CB. Early Intervention Program for Pregnant Heroin Users and Their Young Children: Hong Kong’s Experience. HK J Paediatr. 2008;13(2): 99-109. (local publication). Impact factor: 0.194
- Ip P, Wong V, Ho M, Lee J, Wong W. Environmental mercury exposure in children: South China's experience. Pediatrics International. 2004;46: 715-21 Available from: doi:10.1111/j.1442-200x.2004.01972.x. Impact factor: 0.868
- Ip P, Knight R, Dokal I, Manzur AY and Muntoni F. Peripheral neuropathy - a novel finding in dyskeratosis congenital. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology. 2005;9: 85-9. Impact factor: 1.923
- Ip P, Chung BHY, Wong VCN and Chan KY. Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis in Children: Prevalence in South China. Pediatric Neurology. 2004; 31(1): 46-51. Impact factor: 1.866
- Ip P, Wong VCN, Ho MHK, Lee JSK and Wong WHS. Mercury Exposure in Children With Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Case-Control Study. Journal of Child Neurology. 2004, 19: 431-4. Impact factor: 1.434
- Ip P. Neonatal convulsion revealing maternal hyperparathyroidism: an unusual case of late neonatal hypoparathyroidism. Arch Gynecol Obstet. Springer-Verlag. 2003;268: 227-9. Impact factor: 1.680
- Ip P, Chiu CSW, Cheung YF. Risk factors prolonging ventilation in young children after cardiac surgery: Impact of noninfectious pulmonary complications. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2002;3: 269-74. Impact factor: 2.659
- Ip P, Goh WHS, Chan KW and Cheung PT. A novel FUCA1 mutations causing fucosidosis in a Chinese boy. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. 2002;25: 415-6. Impact factor :3.541
Corresponding / Last Author
- Ho FK, Louie LHT, Wong WHS, Chan KL, Tiwari A, Chow CB, Ho W, Wong W, Chan M, Chen EYH, Cheung YF, Ip P. A Sports Mentorship Program Improves Adolescent Mental Health and Physical Fitness: An RCT. Pediatrics. Forthcoming 2017.
- Liu A, Ho FK, Chan LKL, Ng JYW, Li SL, Chan KL, Chan GCF, Leung TF, Ip P. Chinese medical students’ knowledge, attitude, and practice towards Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and their intention to recommend the vaccine. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. Forthcoming 2017.
- Fu KW, Ho FK, Rao N, Jiang F, Li SL, Lee TMC, Chan SHS, Yung AWY, Young ME, Ip P. Parental restriction reduces the harmful effects of in-bedroom electronic devices. Arch Dis Child. Forthcoming 2017. Available from: doi:10.1136/archdischild-2017-312639
- Lo CK, Tung KT, Chan KL, Yip PS, Lau JT, Wong WH, Wong RS, Tsang AM, Tsang HY, Tso WW, Ip P. Risk factors for child physical abuse and neglect among Chinese young mothers. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2017 May 31;67: 193-206.
- Rao N, Sun J, Chen E E, Ip P. Effectiveness of early childhood interventions in promoting cognitive development in developing countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Hong Kong Journal of Paeditrics. 2017;22: 14-25.
- Chan K L, Emery CR, Fulu E, Tolman RM, Ip P. Association Among Father Involvement, Partner Violence, and Paternal Health: UN Multi-Country Cross-Sectional Study on Men and Violence. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017;52(5): 671-9. Available from: doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2016.12.017
- Chow CB, Wong WHS, Leung WC, Tang MHY, Chan KL, Or CKL, Li TMH, Ho FKW, Lo D, Ip P. Effectiveness of Internet-based injury prevention program in enhancing mother’s knowledge on child safety. JMIR Res Protoc. 2016 Oct; 5(4): e205. Impact factor: -
- Ho LS, Ip P.What Accounts for the Decline of Happiness of Children as They Grow into Their Teens: A Hong Kong Case Study. Pacific Economic Review. Forthcoming 2016. Available from: doi:10.1111/1468-0106.12145. Impact factor: 0.388
- Chan EKL, Clifton E, Ip P. Children with disability are more at risk of violence victimization: evidence from a study of school-aged Chinese children. J Interpers Violence. 2016;31(6): 1026-46. Available from: doi:10.1177/0886260514564066. Impact factor: 1.579
- Tso W, Rao N, Jiang F, Li AM, Lee SL, Ho FK, Li SL, Ip P. Sleep Duration and School Readiness of Chinese Preschool Children. J Pediatr. 2016;169: 266-71. Available from: doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2015.10.064. Impact factor: 3.890
- Kwok J, Leung E, Wong W, Leung K, Lee CK, Lam W, Ip P. Factors Influencing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donation Intention in Hong Kong: A Web-Based Survey. Ann Transplant. 2015; 8(20): 604-13. Available from: doi:10.12659/AOT.894165. Impact factor: 1.032
- Wong WHS, Li SL, Fu KW, Tinsley H, Chow CB, Ip P. The Importance of Online Resources for Parents of Children with Special Needs in Hong Kong: South China’s Experience. J Health Med Informat. 2015:192. Available from: doi:10.4172/2157-7420.1000192. Impact factor: -
- Ho FKW, Louie LHT, Chow CB, Wong WHS, Ip P. Physical activity improves mental health through resilience in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. BMC Pediatrics. 2015; 15(1): 48. Impact factor: 1.813
- Mok WKY, Wong WHS, Mok GTK, Chu YWY, Ho FKW, Chow CB, Ip P (Co-corresponding author), Chung BHY. Validation and Application of Health Utilities Index in Chinese subjects with Down Syndrome. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2014;12: 144. Impact factor: 2.212
- Fu KW, Chan CH, Ip P. Exploring the relationship between cyberbullying and unnatural child death: an ecological study of twenty-four European countries. BMC Pediatrics. 2014;14(1): 195. Impact factor: 1.813
- Li L, Lam TH, Yip PSF, Fang S, Lau YL, Ip P. HPV vaccination in Hong Kong: Uptake and reasons for non-vaccination amongst Chinese adolescent girls. Vaccine 2013;31(49): 5785-8. Impact factor: 3.413
- Chan EKL, Yan E, Brownbridge DA, Ip P. Associating child sexual abuse with child victimization in China. J Pediatr. 2013;162(5): 1028-34. Impact factor: 3.890
- Rao N, Sun J, Ng SSN, Ma K, Becher Y, Lee D, Lau C, Zhang L, Chow CB, & Ip P. The Hong Kong Early Child Development Scale: A Validation Study. Child Indicators Research. 2013;6(1): 115-35. Impact factor: 1.011
- Chan KL, Choi AWM, Fong DYT, Chow CB, Leung M & Ip P. Characteristics of family violence victims presenting to emergency services in Hong Kong, Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2013. 44(1): 249-58. Impact factor: 1.048
- Chan KL, Fong DYT, Yan E, Chow CB, Ip P. Validation of the Chinese Juvenile Victimisation Questionnaire. HK J Paediatr. 2011;16(1): 17-24. (local publication) Impact factor: 0.194
- Chung BHY, Wong VCN, and Ip P. Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Survival Pattern and Functional Status. Pediatrics. 2004; 114(5): 548-53. Impact factor: 5.196
- Chung BHY, Wong VCN, and Ip P. Prevalence of Neuromuscular Diseases in Chinese Children: A Study in Southern China. Journal of Child Neurology. 2003; 18(3): 217-19. Impact factor: 1.434
- Man KKC, Coghill D, Chan EW, Lau WCY, Hollis C, Liddle E, Banaschewski T, McCarthy S, Neubert A, Sayal K, Ip P, Schuemie MJ, Sturkenboom M, Sonuga-Barke, …, Wong ICK. Risk of suicidal event with stimulant treatment: a self-controlled case series study. JAMA Psychiatry. Forthcoming 2017.
- Chan YP, Wong MWK, Tang L, …, Ip P, …, Kowk J. A simplified method of calculating cPRA for kidney allocation application in Hong Kong. Transplant International. Forthcoming 2017.
- Man KK, Chan EW, Ip P, Coghill D, Simonoff E, Chan PK, Lau WC, Schuemie MJ, Sturkenboom MC, Wong IC. Prenatal antidepressant use and risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in offspring: population based cohort study. BMJ. 2017 May 31;357:j2350.
- Wong M, Sze R, Guo VY, Ip P, Wong H, King C, Yu T, Yee E, Fung C, Siu C, Lo Kuen Lam C. Mothers’ health-related quality of life: Its relationship with children’s health-related quality of life and behavior in low-income families. Family Medicine and Community Health. 2016 Dec 1;4(4):4-12.
- Britto PR, Lye S, Proulx K, Yousafzai AK, Matthews SG, Perez-Escamilla R, Rao N, Ip P, Fernald LC, MacMillan H, Hanson M, Wachs T, Yao H, Vaivada T, Yoshikawa H, Cerezo A, Leckman JF, Bhutta ZA. Nurturing Care: Science and Effective Interventions to Promote Early Childhood Development. The Lancet. 2017 Jan 13; 389(10064): 91-102. Available from: doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31390-3Impact factor: 44.002·
- Man KKC, Chan EW, Lau WCY, Hollis C, Coghill D, Liddle E, Banaschewski T, McCarthy S, Neubert A, Sayal K, Ip P, Wong ICK. Methylphenidate and the risk of psychotic disorders and hallucinations in children and adolescents in a large health system. Translational Psychiatry. 2016 Nov; 6(11): e956. Available from: doi:10.1038/tp.2016.216.Impact factor: 5.538
- Lee JCY, Tung KTS, Li TMH, Ho FKW, Ip P, Wong WHS, Chow CB. Fall-related attendance and associated hospitalization of children and adolescents in Hong Kong. BMJ Open. 2017;7: e013724. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013724. Impact factor: 2.562
- Wong RSM, Guo VY, Ip P, Wong CWH, Yu EYT, Fung CSC, Lam CLK. Mothers’ health-related quality of life: its relationship with children’s health-related quality of life in low income families. Fam Med Community Health. Forthcoming 2016. Impact factor:-
- Zhang H, Wong WC, Ip P, Lai GWF, Lam TH, Lam KF, Fan S, Lee A, Cheung DYT, Zhang Y, Yip PS. A Study of Violence Among Hong Kong Young Adults and Associated Substance Use, Risky Sexual Behaviors, and Pregnancy. Violence Vict. Forthcoming 2016. Available from: doi:10.1891/0886-6708.VV-D-13-00181 Impact factor: 0.788
- Zhang H, Wong WC, Ip P, Fan S, Yip PS. Health Status and Risk Behaviors of Sexual Minorities Among Chinese Adolescents: A School-Based Survey. J Homosex. Forthcoming 2016. Available from: doi:10.1080/00918369.2016.1190221 Impact factor: 0.862
- Fu KW, Liang H, Saroha N, Tse ZT, Ip P, Fung IC, Cheung CN. How people react to Zika virus outbreaks on Twitter? A computational content analysis. American Journal of Infection Control. Forthcoming 2016. Available from: doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2016.04.253 Impact factor: 1.995
- Fung IC, Cheung CN, Fu KW, Ip P, Tse ZT. Vaccine safety and social media in China. American Journal of Infection Control. Forthcoming 2016. Available from: doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2016.04.248. Impact factor: 1.995
- Fung CSC, Yu ETY, Guo VY, Wong CKH, Kung K, Ho SY, Lam LY, Ip P, Fong DYT, Lam DCL, Wong WCW, Tsang SKM, Tiwari AFY, Lam CLK. Development of a Health Empowerment Programme to improve the health of working poor families: protocol for a prospective cohort study in Hong Kong. BMJ Open. 2016;6: e010015. Impact factor: 2.562
- Lam LP, Leung WC, Ip P, Chow CB, Chan MF, Ng JW, Sing C, Lam YH, Mak WL, Chow KM, Chin RK. Validation of the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10): A study on illicit drug use among Chinese pregnant women. Sci Rep, 2015;5: 11420. Available from: doi:10.1038/srep11420. Impact factor: 5.228
- Cheung K, Wong I, Ip, P, Chan P, Lin C, Wong Li L, Chan WE. Experiences of adolescents and young adults with ADHD in Hong Kong: treatment services and clinical management. BMC Psychiatry. 2015;15: 95. Available from: doi:10.1186/s12888-015-0478-x Impact factor: 2.576
- Man K, Chan E, Coghill D, Douglas I, Ip P, Leung LP, Tsui M, Wong W, Wong I. Methylphenidate and the risk of trauma. Pediatrics. 2015;135(1): 40-8. Impact factor: 5.196
- Zhang HP, Wong, CWW, Ip, P, Fan S, Yip, SFP. Intimate Partner Violence among Hong Kong Young Adults: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Associated Health Problems. J Interpers Violence. 2015;30(13): 2258-77. Available from: doi:10.1177/0886260514552442. Impact factor: 1.579
- Sobowale K, Zhou AN, Voorhees BWV, Stewart S, Tsang A, Ip P, Fabrizio C, Wong KL, Chim D. Adaptation of an internet-based depression prevention intervention for Chinese adolescents: from "CATCH-IT" to "grasp the opportunity". International journal of adolescent medicine and health. 2013;25(2): 127-37. Impact factor: -
- Lee, SL, Tinsley, H, Chau, J, Lai, HK, Thach, TQ, Ip, P, Chow, CB, Hedley, AJ. Review of Outdoor Air Pollution and Child Health in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics. 2013;18(2): 69-76. Impact factor: 0.194
- Ho MHK, Lee SL, Wong WHS, Ip P, Lau YL. Prevalence of self-reported food allergy in Hong Kong children and teens – a population survey. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol. 2012;30(4): 275-84. Impact factor: 1.269
- Siu BWM, Leung SSL, Ip P, Hung SF, O’Hara MW. Antenatal risk factors for postnatal depression: a prospective study of Chinese women at Maternal and Child Health Centres. BMC Psychiatry. 2012;12: 22. Impact factor: 2.576
- Siu BWM, Ip P, Chow HMT, Kwok SP, Li OL, Koo ML, Cheung EFC, Yeung TMH, Hung SF. Impairment of Mother-Infant Relationship. Validation of the Chinese version of Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire. J Nervous and Mental Disease. 2010;198: 174-179. Impact factor: 1.836
- Wan SMY, Khong PL Ip P, Ooi CGC. Partial rhombencephalosynapsis and Chiari II malformation. Hong Kong Medical Journal. 2005;11: 299-302. (local publication) Impact factor: 0.887
- Chung BHY, Ip P, Wong VCN, Lo JYC. and Harding B.; Acute fulminant subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and PCR studies in cerebrospinal fluid. Pediatric Neurology. 2004; 31(3): 222-4. Impact factor: 1.866
- Chan KL, Ip P, Chiu SW and Cheung YF. Peritoneal Dialysis After Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease in Infants and Young Children, The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2003;76: 1443-9. Impact factor: 2.975
- Tsang A, Kwan E, Yu CM, Tai SM, Ip P, Cheung PT. Management of child abuse in Hong Kong: results of a territory-wide inter-hospital prospective surveillance study. Hong Kong Medical Journal. 2003;9(1): 6-9. (local publication) Impact factor: 0.887
- Lee ACW, Ha SY, Wong KY, Cheng MY, Ip P, Chan GCF, Lau YL and So KT. Prevention of b-Thalassemia Major by Antenatal Screening in Hong Kong. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. 1998;15: 249-54. Impact factor: 1.090