<%@ Language=VBScript CodePage=65001%> 6th APSID Congress and 3rd National Congress of IEI & National FOPI
Research / Case
Abstract Submission Submission Deadline: Monday, 30 December 2024, 11 PM China Standard Time (UTC +8) Date: 11-13 April 2025 Venue: Beijing, China

Submission Date has Passed
Title is required.
First name is required.
Surname is required.
Please enter a valid email address.
Position is required..
Department is required.
Institution is required.
Congress Registration Number is required.

Abstract details

  • Abstracts must be submitted through the online submission portal using the word document templates that can be downloaded from the portal.
  • Members must first register for the Congress to provide a matching Registration Number in the abstract submission portal. Abstracts that do not have a matching Congress registration number will be rejected.
  • The word document abstract submitted must be 10 MB or less in file size.
  • The abstract must be written in English or Chinese.
  • English: The title must be 20 words or less. The body of the abstract (excluding title, author's name, and organizational affiliation) must be 300 words or less.
  • Chinese: The title must be 40 characters or less. The body of the abstract (excluding title, author's name, and organizational affiliation) must be 500 characters or less.
  • You can register up to 20 authors and 20 institutions.
  • May include one diagram in TIFF, PNG, GIF, or JPEG format embedded in your word document abstract.
  • Abstracts that exceed these limits will be rejected and ineligible for awards or travel grants.
Is your abstract and presentation at the Congress in English or Chinese?
Please select one.
Please select one.
Please select one.
Which session of the conference are you interested in participating in
Please select one.
Young Investigator Awards
First authors that are APSID members, under 40 years old on 11 April 2025, submit the abstract in English, and will deliver the research abstract presentation in English at the Congress are eligible for the Young Investigator Award. Would you like to be considered for this award?
Please select one.
Travel Grant
Eligibility is for APSID member under 40 years old on 11 April 2025 that submit the abstract in English and will deliver the research or case abstract presentation in English at the Congress. Even if multiple abstracts are accepted, only one travel grant will be provided per individual. Would you like to be considered for this Travel Grant?
Please select one.

If you Select "Yes" for "Young Investigator Awards" and/or "Travel Grant", please upload a screenshot of your an official government issued identification that includes your name and date of birth for verification.
Image upload [Image file format only (e.g. *.jpg, *.tif, *.png)]

*Upload file*

ID Image file is required.
Limited at 20 words
Abstract title is required. Limited at 20 words.
Presenting Author is required.

Abstract upload [Word file format only (e.g. *.doc, *.docx)] (Research Abstract template / Case Abstract template)
  * Note:
     For some network connection, it may take longer time to upload the abstract.
     Please do not close the upload if it is not finished in 2 minutes.
     If you find difficulties in upload your file, please email and notify us instead.

*Upload file*

Abstract file is required.