News and Events

APSID Fellowship 2023






A group of over 60 Asian paediatricians and scientists interested in Primary Immunodeficiency met in Osaka, April 2015 and pledged to establish the Asia Pacific Society for Immunodeficiencies with the following missions:
  • To care and cure patients with primary immunodeficiency (PID)
  • To share our PID experience so as to promote collaboration & education
  • To improve PID management through understanding its genetics & pathogenesis
  • To advocate and advance the care of PID patients through engaging governments, patient organizations & industry


With the dedications, passion and determinations of leading PID clinicians and scientists in Asia, APSID was inaugurated on 29th April 2016 in the historical Béthanie Campus, Pokfulam. This was followed by the APSID Inaugural Scientific Congress held on 30th April and 1st May, which was well attended by over 300 local and overseas delegates. Report on Congress Highlights